
What We Fund The Seasons Fund provides critical multiyear funding for cultural projects that have few other resources—whether financial or institutional—available. Applications are judged on how far removed a proposal is from other funding sources and how meaningful the project’s contribution would be towards greater cultural justice.

However, the project should touch on one or more of the following priorities:

  • Works outside current commercial and/or discursive trends.
  • Fosters exchange and solidarity across disparate discourses, communities, and histories. 
  • Explores alternative models of distribution, funding, cooperation and collaboration, especially networked and grassroots approaches. 
  • Promotes a spirit of internationalism and South-to-South movements, dialogues and collaborations.
  • Develops a knowledge base accessible and meaningful to those outside cultural capitals.


Why We Fund

What We Fund

How We Fund

Source of Funds

List of Grantees