
Please respond to the following questions via text, video or audio. Please limit text responses to 200-500 words and audio and video responses to 2-5 minutes per question. The applications will be reviewed solely based on the content, not production quality. Please send the completed application to

1. Please share a brief description of your project.

2. Please give a summary of your practice. This could include your working methods, any relevant previous experience and the histories and communities you see yourself in conversation with.

3. What is the intended demographic reach of your project?

4. What are the desired outcomes of your project?

5. Please share your budget proposal. (No word limit here)

6. What is your anticipated timeline? (No word limit here)

7. Please describe the impact you hope the project will have, addressing at least two of the following questions.

  • How is your project deemed too early, too late, too experimental or too radical to be eligible for traditional granting avenues?

  • How does your project work towards cultural justice?

  • How do you work outside current commercial and/or discursive trends?

  • How does your work foster exchange and solidarity across disparate discourses, communities, and histories?

  • How does your work explore alternative models of distribution, funding, cooperation and collaboration, especially in a networked and grassroots way?

  • How does your work promote a spirit of internationalism and South-to-South movements, dialogues, and collaborations?

  • How does your work develop a knowledge base accessible and meaningful to thsoe outside cultural capitals?


Why We Fund

What We Fund

How We Fund

Source of Funds

List of Grantees